All change please!

Back in February I said that I was changing the look of my blog and that I wasn’t going to create a bespoke WordPress theme as I didn’t have the time. I changed my mind in March and said that I was going to build this WordPress theme. And so I have, and here it is.

I built all this rather quickly, although it wasn’t too difficult as most of the CSS and HTML had already been built for the design change. I took Nathan Staines’ Starkers HTML5 theme as a base and then built it around that, which proved to be very time-saving.

Some design decisions

I’ve decided to remove images from this blog/journal and focus solely on the text. Whether this will work or not I don’t know as people might find it too boring, so feedback on this is most welcome.

I also decided to remove extra content in sidebars and the like as I feel that they can detract from the content and also distract people when they’re trying to read. You don’t have bits hanging off the edge of a book page constantly vying for your attention from the main page content, so in that respect this theme attempts to faithfully follow the book format.

The search option remains but I took inspiration from camen design and moved it to the bottom of the page.

There might still be some issues with older content as I didn’t go through every single post that I’ve made in the past to check for compatibility. If you notice anything please feel free to let me know.

I also intend to move this from to but I must admit that I’m terrified of screwing it up!

Over to you

All in all consider this a work in progress so please do feel free to comment and let me know what you think as feedback from readers is always much appreciated and quite valuable.